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Hosting with 5fold Marketing = No Brainer

Hosting For Your Website

If you live in the land of websites, hosting is an easy concept to understand. You know what it is, why you need it, and how good hosting can help your website. But for the average small business owner, hosting is something you do on Sundays when you have everyone over to watch football and eat barbecue. So what is hosting for your website?

Hosting for your website is essentially just a service providing storage space for you to keep all of your website files. You have to have a space that is designated just for your website so that when search engines are trying to find your files, they will know just where to look.

Now, imagine you were out looking for a storage unit to hold your important household possessions, what would be some items to consider before purchasing? Would space be an issue? Convenience? Cost? Security? Most updated design? The same should be considered when deciding who should do your hosting.

Hosting With 5fold Marketing

Our clients are provided the very best hosting for their websites. Yes, I said provided, as in no extra cost! We build our clients their one-of-a-kind websites, and we throw in the hosting for free.

Your website files remain safe and secure, with added firewall and malware protection. What does this mean? Your website files, along with everyone else’s, undergo multiple threats everyday, but with our automatic security updates, your files will always be protected.

Also, every 24 hours your website files are backed up so no matter what, so we will always have access to the most recent files on your website.

Wait, back up, what is a Content Delivery Network? I’m so glad you asked! A Content Delivery Network operates off of various different servers. So let’s say for example, someone in Arizona is searching for your website. The closest server to that person will automatically be identified and will access your website, making it instantly available for the person who is viewing it. When your hosting service utilizes a Content Delivery Network, your website will load significantly faster.


What we want you to avoid, is thinking, “Eh, hosting is hosting.” You’re wrong. Who you host your website with is an important decision. It could mean the difference in how well your website is promoted and perceived online by your potential customers.

Give us a call at 5fold Marketing today. We would be happy to chat with you about hosting, internet marketing, or whatever you want. Talk to you soon!