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What you need to know about Facebook’s newsfeed changes

If you’ve used Facebook for any amount of time, you realize that the flow of information provided to users is curated in some form: you don’t see every single post that every single friend shares, and your “news feed” is populated with personalized advertising tailored to your interests, searches, and location.

Now, Facebook is changing that flow of information, and—in the process—potentially shaking up the way businesses interact with potential customers. 5 Fold is actively working to adapt to this change and evaluate the way it impacts our client’s campaigns.

So, what is the change?

As Mashable puts it, Facebook’s “friends and family come first’ formula change doesn’t hide or remove advertising from businesses that people like or follow, but it does de-emphasize them relative to posts from the friends and family in the user’s network. So, a user is less likely to see a post from the auto mechanic they’ve liked, compared to being more likely to see a video of their friend Tommy doing backflips in his front yard.

How does this impact your campaign?

What does this mean for us here at 5 Fold? This puts more emphasis on generating shareable content that users want to see and engage with. One thing that isn’t changing about how the news feed works is that Facebook is still trying to pair users with content that they actually want to read and see. If said content happens to come from your business, Facebook is going to put it into the feed. Our goal—with the help of our clients—is to create genuine, interesting posts that engage users.

As this new algorithm is rolled out, there may be some slight turbulence in the performance of our client’s social media campaigns. If this happens to be the case, we’ll let you know. Our marketing strategy is built to be highly flexible and adaptable just for these kind of situations. From Facebook news feed changes to switches in the way Google handles paid search, we’re ready for anything.

Interested in learning more?

Do you have questions? Feel free to give us a call, send us an email, or get in touch with us through social media.